1. The quality of being frugal; prudent economy; that careful management of anything valuable which expends nothing unnecessarily, and applies what is used to a profitable purpose; thrift; --- opposed to extravagance. (Source:

Why is WWOOF is synonim to being frugal?

Living with one of the WWOOFer host in Chiba, Japan have taught me a lot about being frugal.
It is by no means living poorly but to live with all the resources that you have, not overdo it and use it sparingly. But WWOOF has taught me a level higher than being frugal.

WWOOF answers some life's curiousity:
1. how to user resources economically
2. how to simplify your life
3. how to spend more time with the people you love
4. how to connect with meaningful experiences
5. how to deviate your focus from being materialistic
6. how to save money
7. how to save time

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